Other Books
Softcover, 319 pages. The first 29 of 101 stories of coming to Meher Baba from His lovers around the world. (See also Vol 2 and Vol 3). From the Foreword by Winnie Barrett: "Here we find a new collection of stories of how people...
Softcover, 378 pages. The next batch of 36 stories of coming to Meher Baba from His lovers around the world. (See also Vol 1 and Vol 3). From the Foreword by Winnie Barrett: "Here we find a new collection of stories...
Softcover, 446 pages. The last batch of 36 stories of coming to Meher Baba from His lovers around the world. (See also Vol 1 and Vol 2). From the Foreword by Winnie Barrett: "Here we find a new collection of stories...
Memories of Meher Baba, by Bili Eaton. Softcover, 133 pages. Published 1984. This book of personal memoirs by Bili Eaton tells of time with Meher Baba during the 1950s and 1960s, and it also contains a previously unpublished collection of...
A Mirage Will Never Quench Your Thirst Laurent Weichberger Softcover, 141 pages In A Mirage Will Never Quench Your Thirst, Laurent Weichberger has pulled together all of Meher Baba's quotes on the spiritual implications of using drugs of any kind...
by Jerry Edwards. Large Pamphlet, 20 pages. In the fall of 2000, Bhau toured several Baba centers in Maharashtra. Jerry Edwards accompanied the small entourage and reports here. Lots of great photos.
By Rick Chapman. Hard or Soft cover, 388 pages. In his earlier book Meeting God in Human Form, author Rick Chapman unfolded his experiences in India for the first few months leading up to and including his meeting with Meher...
Stories of Padri. By Eric Nadel. Softcover, 160 pages. From the introduction, by Heather Nadel: “At any time of the day (or night) Eric Nadel would suddenly dash off to his computer, or pull out his little Post-it pad and...
The Authorized Biography of Don E. Stevens. by Laurent Weichberger. Soft or Hardcover, 878 pages. Avatar Meher Baba said: “Don has an almost perfect balance of head and heart.” Don lived his life from 1945 until 2011 under the guidance...
By Somerset Maugham. The classic tale adapted by Alan Benjamin and beautifully illustrated by Roger Essley. Abdullah, the very old servant of a merchant, recognizes Death disguised as an old woman and decides to try to put off his appointment...
by Birendra Kumar. Softcover, 440 pages. Articles based upon Meher Baba's Discourses.
A Pilgrim's Guide to the Journey. by Julia Ross. Softcover, 441 pages. Avatar Meher Baba, on his automobile journey across the United States in 1952, followed one of the routes of the Cherokee Trail of Tears to what is now...
Large format, 11”x12”. Spiral bound, 22 pages.
Meher Baba's Perspective on the Descent of God on Earth. by James H. McGrew. Softcover, 308 Pages.For the first time, Avatar Meher Baba’s insights and revelations about the nature of the Avatar and the known Avatars throughout history have been...
by Winnie Barrett. Softcover, 153 pages. Winnie first heard Meher Baba's name in 1966 while part of the underground scene in Chapel Hill, NC, a counterculture of artists, writers, political activists, and drug users. She longed for a higher reality...
Softcover, 52 pages A collection of vignettes by Waryam Singh, about his experiences with the Avatar, Meher Baba.
by Lynn and Phyllis Ott. Pamphlet, 39 pages. A detailed accounting of Meher Baba’s work with lepers—remembrances of His brother Jal. I BOW DOWN TO MY OWN SELF THAT I SEE IN YOU
Meher Baba’s Eruch: By Your Grace Anything is Possible. By Davana Brown. Hardcover, 756 pages. Published in 2024 by Sheriar Foundation. First of a three-volume series. Befitting a Fortunate Slave is the intimate story of a disciple and his Master that offers a...
"Bhagavad Gita - The Song of God”. Translated by Swami Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood. Softcover, 179 pages.
by Divi Arrano. Softcover, 190 pages.
by Rick Chapman. Softcover, 129 pages. A brief history of the evolution of Meher Baba’s “message about drugs”, this book aims to present His views about consciousness in general and about drug-influenced consciousness in particular. Rick writes from a personal...
Softcover, 389 pages. Edited by Laurent Weichberger. With a Foreword by Don E. Stevens, and an Introduction by Jane Chin, Ph.D. Various Authors. In 2002 Laurent Weichberger organized an event at Northern Arizona University titled “The Eastern Heritage Symposium: Beads...
by Angela Lee Chen. Softcover, 16 pages.Adult coloring book. 15 blank mandalas, ready for your artistic touch!
by Katie Irani. Spiral Bound 293 pages. Published 2001. Recipes and stories by Katie. Katie Irani had never cooked anything until Meher Baba asked her to start during the Blus Bus Tours in 1939. From her own account, Katie learned...