Foreign Language
Pamphlet, 16 pages. Hebrew translation. Brief sketch of Meher Baba's life and selected messages. Perfect as an introduction to the Avatar of the Age.
Darlegungen: uber das Leben in Liebe und Wahrheit "Presentations", About Living in Love and Truth.(Discourses) by Meher Baba. Softcover, 445 pages. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and...
Le Theme De La Creation et Son But. The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. Le chef-d'œuvre de Meher Baba. French. by Meher Baba. Guy Tredaniel Editeur. Softcover, 368 pages. Aucun autre ouvrage n'a encore été publié qui emmène le...
God in Human Form, The Life and Work of Avatar Meher Baba. DVD, 65 Minutes. Dios en forma humana es un video de 65 minutos que documenta de manera concisa pero comprehensiva la biografia de la personalidad espiritual mas dinamica de nuestra epoca:...
Por Meher Baba. Portada blanda, 324 paginas. Edición en español publicada en 2001. No hay otro trabajo publicado hasta ahora que lleve al lector tan profundamente hacia la mecánica fundamental de la vida y el universo.Dios Habla, es una descripción meticulosamente detallada de la...
Selected Discourses. by Meher Baba. Tradotti dall’inglese da Valeria Violati. Pamphlet (Opuscolo), 42 pages.
L’eveil spiritual dans la vie quotidienne Spiritual Awakening in Everyday Life by Meher Baba Softcover, 420 pages
Selected Discourses, French. by Meher Baba. Booklet, 42 pages. 1. La Nouvelle Humanite 2. L’Amour 3. La Recherche de Dieu 4. Etre Vraiment Disciple 5. L’Avatar
Hardcover, Meher Baba's discourses translated into Farsi. In print since the 1940s, Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provides an ever-fresh framework of spiritual...
Por Meher Baba. Traducido por Raphael Villafane y Rocio Aguilar. Libro de tapa blanda, 399 paginas. Inspirador y práctico, Discursos nos trae la luz del verdadero conocimiento sobre muchos de los problemas más desafiantes de la vida, siendo una guía...
Ecoute, O Humanite (French). by Meher Baba. Edited by Don Stevens. Softcover, 342 pages.
Spanish. Por Meher Baba. El Todo y La Nada, este pequeño libro continent 65 mensajes de Avatar Meher Baba recopilados en la década de 1960, contiene información detallada del evento “Reunión del Este-Oeste”, donde miles de amantes de Meher Baba fueran reunidos en forma masiva en un “Darshan” o bendición del Maestro.“Estos Discursos fueron dados a Sus discípulos...
by Meher Baba, Hardcover. No other work has yet been published which takes the reader so deeply into the fundamental mechanics of life and the universe. God Speaks is a minutely detailed description of the journey of the soul from the...
The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. Hebrew Edition. Hardcover, 316 pages.
Der Gottliche Plan der Kreation. by Meher Baba. Hardcover, 432 pages.
The Teachings of Meher Baba. Las enseñanzas de Meher Baba. Por Don Stevens. Tapa blanda, 322 páginas. La primera parte es una biografía de Meher Baba. La Parte 2 se adentra en Sus enseñanzas, incluyendo el Capricho, los sanskaras, el...
Love and Wisdom, the Sayings and Treatises of Meher Baba. Spruche und Abhandlungen von Meher Baba. Softcover, 90 pages. German.
by Meherdokht Khosravi. Softcover, 72 pages.
By Ali Haghayegh. Traditional Persian Music, recorded on Meherabad Hill and in Mandali Hall. Track List: 1. Hu Hu 2. Ali Mullah 3. Ya Ali 4. Tarab Andar Tarab 5. Rasm E Zamane 6. Meher E Ali 7. Ghebleye Gardun...
1894 - 1922. Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover 427 pages.Farsi Translation. The first in the multi-volume biography of Avatar Meher Baba profiles the five perfect masters of the time, Merwan’s parents, and chronicles the young Merwan’s life from his childhood through the...
1922 - 1925. Hardcover, 434 pages.
1925 - 1929. Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover, 468 pages. Farsi Translation. This volume depicts the period when Avatar Meher Baba's life-long silence began and when he began using the alphabet board. Also includes the creation of Meher Ashram School, Hazarat Babajan...
February 1st 1928 to August 28th 1931. Hardcover, 454 pages.
Lys Over det Andelige Panorama. by Meher Baba. Booklet, 64 pages.