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      From $28.00

      By Irwin Luck. 415 pages. "A fascinating and intimate personal recounting of Irwin Luck's life and times with the Avatar of the Age--Meher Baba.The book kept me on the proverbial "edge of the cliff" as Irwin retells events that transpired...


      Hardcover, 95 pages. by Irwin Luck. “These are the circulars sent out each week for a year. They are based on my experiences with Avatar Meher Baba who I met. For 10 years he directed and guided me in my...


      by Janaki, as told to Eric Solibakke. Booklet, 80 pages. 


      Poetry and Prose by Max Reif. Softcover, 82 pages. “…the journey appears to be interminable and the Destination is ever out of sight. But the wonder of it is, when at last you reach your Destination you find that you...

      Sold Out From $8.00

      Compiled by Rose Reed. Hardcover, 83 pages. A great introduction to Meher Baba’s teachings, from the journey of the soul through evolution, spiritual realities, and the Avatar.

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      The True Story of Girjadevi Khilnani. Hardcover, 83 pages. (Discounted for water damage) Nine year old Girja Karamchandani wrote a letter to God in Heaven wanting to see Him in Human Form. In 1948 she married Civil Judge Prem Khilnani in Poona....

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      By Charles Haynes. Softcover, 140 pages. Charles shares with us stories from his childhood with Meher Baba. “The stories collected in these pages are memories from my childhood with Meher Baba. For me, however, they are far more than recollections...

      Sold Out From $12.00

      For Meher Baba, The Ancient One. by Jane Barry Haynes. Hardcover, 632 pages. Published 1997. This collection of letters to one family provides a record of timeless love, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. They form a kind of journal, deeply personal...

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      From $8.00

      by Nan Umrigar. Softcover, 252 pages. Nan’s story that began with her best-selling book, Sounds of Silence, reached out to touch hearts all across the world. As a follow up, she narrates a collection of 29 stories told by people...

      From $9.00

      Love's Perfection In Ordinary Life Vol 1. by Wendell Brustman, Ph.D. Softcover, 327 pages. "The path on which I hope to take you with this work in two volumes is one toward Self-awareness, but in one sense a journey to...

      From $7.00

      by Judith Garbett. Softcover, 310 pages. From the back cover:“Judith Garbett first heard about Meher Baba in Australia during the 1950s, and finally got to meet Him in person in 1962 at the East-West Gathering in Poona, India. It was...


      by Pete Caswell. Softcover, 79 pages. A rather seductive and deceptive book that draws you in, with not only the personal aspects of the author's life, but engages the reader's attention with amusing humour. Thought provoking bite size chunks perfect...

      Sold Out From $8.00

      by Barbara Scott. Softcover, 252 pages. Biography of Phyllis Ott. Phyllis tells her life story, from her earliest times to meeting Baba in 1964 and 1965 and how that changed forever her focus on life. Her account of her conversations...

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      Sold Out From $10.00

      Hardcover, 72 pages.  Meditation for a New HumanityMeher Baba  In modern times, a few types of meditation have gained a worldwide following among people who seek relief from stress in a secular context. By contrast, Meher Baba's view is firm...

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      From $10.00

      Renderings of Meher Baba's Meherabad and Meherazad. by Sharon Muir. Hardcover, large format 9" x 12". A simply gorgeous art book by Sharon Muir. These are all paintings she did in watercolors with great vivid splashes of color. All the...

      From $14.00

      by Rick Chapman. Hardcover, 292 pages. Published 2010. This book tells the true account of a twenty-three-year-old college graduate's first trip to India on a Fulbright Grant and his subsequent private meeting with Avatar Meher Baba at a time when...


      (being a concise account of my rendezvous in India with God in Human Form) By Rick Chapman. Softcover, 90 pages. In his memoir Meeting God in Human Form, author Rick Chapman unfolds the tale of his journey to India as...


      Poems, Anecdotes and Essays. by Jim Migdoll. Softcover, 172 pages. Published 2006. Meher Baba and me presents a refreshingly different perspective on the lover/Beloved 'play'. By turns poignant, irreverent, earthy and zany; the book clearly conveys the joy and wonder...

      From $6.00

      A Theory about Living in His Manifestation.  by R. William Davies. Softcover, 167 pages.   


      Fifteen Essays by Don Stevens & Companions.Softcover, 197 pages. From a review by Ralph Lewis: “This is one of the most significant books ever written about the spiritual path. It is an in-depth profound exploration of how we obtain guidance...


      Softcover, 147 pages.  Meher Baba's Man in Europe, a Memoir of Don Stevensby Michael Morice I think of this as a biographical memoir of Don, because it is told largely through the lens of my own relationship with him.The story...

      From $7.00

      Ordinary People's Encounters with God. Edited by Carolyn Ball. Softcover, 250 pages. These are “How I came to Baba” stories, compiled by Carolyn Ball. Tales of how some of the "next wave" of Baba’s followers, those who never met Baba...

      From $10.00

      Tales from the Beloved’s Tomb. Edited by Irma Sheppard. Softcover, 234 pages. This collection of stories includes some history of the Tomb-shrine itself, and an account of Meher Baba's interment seven days after dropping His physical body on January 31,...

      From $7.00

      by Kenneth Lux. Softcover, 193 ppPublished 2001Kenneth’s life and voyage of discovery of the Avatar. You will have to read the book to find out where the tortoise fits in the story.”Kenneth is probably the most articulate & elegant writer...