Books by Meher Baba

A classic from the old days. Edited by Peter Rowan, from "Messages of Meher Baba, delivered in East and West", which was compiled by Adi K. Irani.
Softcover, 88 pages One of the charms, as well as one of the liabilities, in any philosophic discourse is that it raises two new questions in answering one. While preparing Meher Baba’s ‘God Speaks’ for the printers, a number of...
Meher Baba wrote these ghazals under the pseudonym of Huma. Recited here by Naosherwan Anzar in Hindustani, and in english by Cecilia Kirtland. Track List: 1. The Beloved’s Face 2. Sometimes 3. The Cage 4. The Slave 5. His Grace...
Meher Baba’s Revelations to the Meher Ashram Boys in 1927–28 on Creation Cosmology and the Spiritual Path. by Meher Baba. Edited by Ward Parks. Hardcover, 750 pages. Over a six-week period in December–January 1927–28, speaking each evening before about a...
Darlegungen: uber das Leben in Liebe und Wahrheit "Presentations", About Living in Love and Truth.(Discourses) by Meher Baba. Softcover, 445 pages. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and...
Le Theme De La Creation et Son But. The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. Le chef-d'œuvre de Meher Baba. French. by Meher Baba. Guy Tredaniel Editeur. Softcover, 368 pages. Aucun autre ouvrage n'a encore été publié qui emmène le...
Por Meher Baba. Portada blanda, 324 paginas. Edición en español publicada en 2001. No hay otro trabajo publicado hasta ahora que lleve al lector tan profundamente hacia la mecánica fundamental de la vida y el universo.Dios Habla, es una descripción meticulosamente detallada de la...
Selected Discourses. by Meher Baba. Tradotti dall’inglese da Valeria Violati. Pamphlet (Opuscolo), 42 pages.
L’eveil spiritual dans la vie quotidienne Spiritual Awakening in Everyday Life by Meher Baba Softcover, 420 pages
Selected Discourses, French. by Meher Baba. Booklet, 42 pages. 1. La Nouvelle Humanite 2. L’Amour 3. La Recherche de Dieu 4. Etre Vraiment Disciple 5. L’Avatar
Hardcover, Meher Baba's discourses translated into Farsi. In print since the 1940s, Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provides an ever-fresh framework of spiritual...
by Meher Baba. Softcover, 4 volume set. The original 3-volume set of the 6th edition plus a fourth volume containing a history of the Discourses, glossary, an index, and some articles from the Mandali about this monumental work. Avatar Meher...
By Meher Baba. Hardcover, 550 pages. USED BOOK. Printed in 1970, this book has all three volumes of the 6th edition set under one roof, so to speak. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many...
7th Edition, 1987. by Meher Baba. Softcover, 431 pages. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provides an ever-fresh framework of spiritual perspective on the...
Por Meher Baba. Traducido por Raphael Villafane y Rocio Aguilar. Libro de tapa blanda, 399 paginas. Inspirador y práctico, Discursos nos trae la luz del verdadero conocimiento sobre muchos de los problemas más desafiantes de la vida, siendo una guía...
by Meher Baba. Pamphlet, 16 pages. First Published in 1943, reprinted in 2011. This little booklet, edited by Adi K. Irani, was the first published explanation of the Divine Theme. The material here was later reproduced in the supplement of...
Ecoute, O Humanite (French). by Meher Baba. Edited by Don Stevens. Softcover, 342 pages.
Spanish. Por Meher Baba. El Todo y La Nada, este pequeño libro continent 65 mensajes de Avatar Meher Baba recopilados en la década de 1960, contiene información detallada del evento “Reunión del Este-Oeste”, donde miles de amantes de Meher Baba fueran reunidos en forma masiva en un “Darshan” o bendición del Maestro.“Estos Discursos fueron dados a Sus discípulos...
Extracts From The Teachings of Avatar Meher Baba (A practical guide to daily life) Softcover, 84 pages Taken from the Discourses.
by Meher Baba, Hardcover. No other work has yet been published which takes the reader so deeply into the fundamental mechanics of life and the universe. God Speaks is a minutely detailed description of the journey of the soul from the...
The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. Hebrew Edition. Hardcover, 316 pages.
Hardcover, 313 pages No other work has yet been published which takes the reader so deeply into the fundamental mechanics of life and the universe. God Speaks is a minutely detailed description of the journey of the soul from the...
by Meher Baba. Softcover, 287 pages. Edited by Charles Purdom. This version of Meher Baba’s Discourses was first published in 1955 as God to Man and Man to God. There are some differences in verbiage between this version and the...
Der Gottliche Plan der Kreation. by Meher Baba. Hardcover, 432 pages.