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Softcover, 88 pages One of the charms, as well as one of the liabilities, in any philosophic discourse is that it raises two new questions in answering one. While preparing Meher Baba’s ‘God Speaks’ for the printers, a number of...
By Meher Baba. Hardcover, 550 pages. USED BOOK. Printed in 1970, this book has all three volumes of the 6th edition set under one roof, so to speak. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many...
7th Edition, 1987. by Meher Baba. Softcover, 431 pages. Avatar Meher Baba's Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life's most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provides an ever-fresh framework of spiritual perspective on the...
Hardcover, 313 pages No other work has yet been published which takes the reader so deeply into the fundamental mechanics of life and the universe. God Speaks is a minutely detailed description of the journey of the soul from the...
by Meher Baba. Softcover, 287 pages. Edited by Charles Purdom. This version of Meher Baba’s Discourses was first published in 1955 as God to Man and Man to God. There are some differences in verbiage between this version and the...
By Meher Baba. Hardcover, 109 pages. Indian Print. Explanations of Spirituality written in Baba’s own hand, probably in 1925. This is a coffee-table sized book containing actual sized facsimile copies of the 39 pages hand written by Baba Himself on notebook...
Hardcover, 746 pages As stated in the Foreword by Meherwan Jessawala: This book plumbs the depths of esoteric truths never before revealed to humankind. The book's theme is an ageless one, ever old and ever new: God as Infinite Intelligence....
Edited by Ivy O. Duce. Hardcover, 74 pages. In 1956 Avatar Meher Baba came to the United States and for the first time in 20 years allowed publicity. At His major stops He met with reporters and gave a number...
by Avatar Meher Baba. Soft or Hardcover, 264 pages. For the western mind, India has long been a symbol of the incomprehensibility of the East. Listen, Humanity takes the reader into the very heart of the life of India and, through the...
The mystical side of self-realization Softcover, 56 pages
Meher Baba on Love The booklet 'MEHER BABA ON LOVE', originally conceived, compiled and published in 1966, was an effort to share with as many as possible the expositions made by Avatar Meher Baba on the subject of LOVE during...
Softcover, 170 pages
Discourses and Conversations. Compiled by Naosherwan Anzar. Softcover, 156 pages. Published 2001. In the ordinary man of the world the limited individuality, which is identified with a finite name and form, predominates. Its mundane activities create a veil of ignorance...
Pamphlet, 24 pages The question of every man and woman is 'What is the meaning of my life?' All religions provide answers to the question, and their teachings are intended to enable their followers to experience the truth of what...
Softcover, 115 pages This little book carries 65 of Avatar Meher Baba’s messages from the early 60s. The East West Gathering, where thousands of Eastern and Western lovers were brought together in one massive darshan is detailed. “These Discourses were...
Softcover, 129 pages In 1952 Filis Frederick asked Avatar Meher Baba if she could start a magazine published in America for the Westerners. Meher Baba was most enthusiastic about this project, and helped her throughout the years by sending her...
Pamphlet, 48 pages God being infinite, the question can be answered in an infinite number of ways and words. But answers are not Truth. Answers are not experience. It is possible, however, for every man and woman to experience personally...