Books by Close Mandali
by Mani S. Irani. Softcover, 366 pages. Published 1976. The 82 Family Letters to the Western Family of Lovers and Followers of Meher Baba were written by Baba’s sister, Mani, at Baba’s request from 1956 until 1969. Because Baba was so much in...
by Mani S. Irani. Illustrated by Wodin, Hardcover 80 pages. Published 1998. Over the latter years of Mani’s life, Baba had sent her what she felt were many very profound dreams. She told them often in Mandali Hall, but as her life...
by Mani S. Irani. Illustrated by Wodin. Paperback, 160 pages. Published 1993. Mani has put down on paper 35 little gems, and what precious drops of His love they are. In her very personal, chatty style she tells us...
Compiled by Jim Mistry. Softcover, 140 pages. Published 1981The letters, written both before and after Meher Baba dropped His body, contain varying amounts of Baba’s active participation, but up until 1969 they were written with His knowledge and at His...
Compiled by Jim Mistry. Softcover 176 pages. Published 1983. The letters, written both before and after Meher Baba dropped His body, contain varying amounts of Baba’s active participation, but up until 1969 they were written with His knowledge and at...
Compiled by Don Stevens. Softcover, 354 pages. Third edition, published 2022. New printing of an old classic originally published in 1976. Don Stevens interviewed Eruch, Mani, Mehera, and Meheru and captured their stories of the New Life on audio tape,...