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      Foreign Language

      Sold Out $25.00

      1894 - 1922. Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover 427 pages.Farsi Translation. The first in the multi-volume biography of Avatar Meher Baba profiles the five perfect masters of the time, Merwan’s parents, and chronicles the young Merwan’s life from his childhood through the...

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      1922 - 1925. Hardcover, 434 pages.   


      1925 - 1929. Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover, 468 pages. Farsi Translation. This volume depicts the period when Avatar Meher Baba's life-long silence began and when he began using the alphabet board. Also includes the creation of Meher Ashram School, Hazarat Babajan...


      February 1st 1928 to August 28th 1931. Hardcover, 454 pages.   

      From $10.00

      Avatar Meher Baba’s Life Story in verses. by Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover.  This is the epic biography in poetry that Baba instructed Bhau to write which formed the basis of Meher Prabhu-Lord Meher. 


      n Farsi. by Bhau Kalchuri.Softcover, 87 pages. Stories dictated by Avatar Meher Baba to Bhau Kalchuri, one of His close disciples. From the book's introduction:“This children’s book happened all of a sudden. In 1968, Beloved Baba told me that I...

      Sold Out $25.00

      by Bhau Kalchuri. 
Hardcover, 451 pages.  “I am giving you ten percent of the book I wrote in the years 1925-1926.” — Meher Baba. Here Baba is referring to a book He wrote in His own hand in seclusion and...

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      by Bhau Kalchuri. Softcover, 75 pages. Farsi Translation. This book tells of Bhau’s experiences as Meher Baba’s night watchman.