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by Judith Garbett. Softcover, 310 pages. From the back cover:“Judith Garbett first heard about Meher Baba in Australia during the 1950s, and finally got to meet Him in person in 1962 at the East-West Gathering in Poona, India. It was...
Compiled by Don Stevens. Softcover, 354 pages. Third edition, published 2022. New printing of an old classic originally published in 1976. Don Stevens interviewed Eruch, Mani, Mehera, and Meheru and captured their stories of the New Life on audio tape,...
3-volume Softcover, 2nd edition. 1785 pages, by David Fenster. New Updated and Revised Paperback Edition. Mehera-Meher is the story of an intimate, Divine Romance between the Beloved and his closest disciple. The three-volume paperback set draws deeply from Mehera's firsthand...