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Meher Love Songs. By Bhau Kalchuri. Softcover, 169 pages. "This collection of love songs to the Master is unique in our times, and even more importantly, offers the unarguable evidence that the great mystic resourses in the lover - Beloved relation...
Hardcover, 726 pages. The New Life began on October 16, 1949 and ended on February 12, 1952. During this two-and-a-half-year period, Baba seemingly set aside His Divinity to play the role of a seeker or lover of God, a role...
by Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover, 344 pages. Published 2009, 2nd Edition. “I am giving you ten percent of the book I wrote in the years 1925-1926.” — Meher Baba. Here Baba is referring to a book He wrote in His...
Hardcover, 429 pages. In 2001, Bhau Kalchuri underwent a triple coronary bypass operation. After an initial upbeat recovery, his spirits plummeted into the very deepest abyss. But one night, Meher Baba came to him in an visit Bhau later termed...
by Bhau Kalchuri. Edited by Vladimir Madic. Softcover, 440 pages. "I do not change your destiny but I give you the inner strength to face the battle of Life." --Meher Baba. A remarkable collection of Baba’s words, uplifting and blissful....
by Bhau Kalchuri. Edited by Ward Parks. Paperback, 94 pages. An exploration into the meaning of “Mastery In Servitude”.