Books About Meher Baba
by Mani S. Irani. Softcover, 366 pages. Published 1976. The 82 Family Letters to the Western Family of Lovers and Followers of Meher Baba were written by Baba’s sister, Mani, at Baba’s request from 1956 until 1969. Because Baba was so much in...
by Bhau Kalchuri. Hardcover, 222 pages.A series of articles about Meher Baba’s manifestation, written in the late 1970’s.
Meher Baba's Perspective on the Descent of God on Earth. by James H. McGrew. Softcover, 308 Pages.For the first time, Avatar Meher Baba’s insights and revelations about the nature of the Avatar and the known Avatars throughout history have been...
Stories of Meher Baba and His Pets, by Mehera Irani. Illustrated, Softcover, 172 pages. In this book, Mehera recounts many of the amusing anecdotes and adventures she and Baba and the other Mandali had with the great menagerie that always seemed...
My Life and Art with Meher Baba, by Rano Gayley. Hardcover, 132 pages, Published 1983. In 1935 Meher Baba wrote to Rano telling her He wished her to go on with her art work, despite her own feeling that it had little to do...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 113 pages. Bal Natu peacefully passed home to the Awakener on October 7, 2003, at the age of 84. "Conversations With The Awakener" is book one of an incredible quartet.For years Bal delighted readers with his...
Hardcover, 84 pages DARSHAN HOURS, a newly reprinted book consisting of conversations with Avatar Meher Baba while He resided at Guruprasad Bungalow in Poona in 1960, is now available for the first time in the West. “Darshan” means “sight”of the...
By Bal Natu. Softcover, 149 pages. This volume is the fourth and final sharing of his heart's conversations with God. Bal Natu, a member of Avatar Meher Baba’s mandali, shares with the readers a series of conversations in this extraordinary...
by Arnavaz Dadachanji. Softcover 241 pages, Published 1996. “The internal order that Baba gave Arnavaz to write her book came at a time when she simply wanted to bask in her relationship with Him. Fulfilling this unexpected responsibility has been a...
Softcover, 95 pages A little book that is well worth your attention is called, very appropriately, "Gift of Love". I say appropriately because Perin Jasumani from the Toronto Baba Lover's Group has put together a collection of Baba's sayings and messages along...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 430 pagesPublished 1977Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. This volume covers the period from 1943 - 1948.Bal Natu (1919-2003) was one of Avatar Meher Baba’s...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 406 pages. Published 1977. Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. This volume covers the period from 1949 - 1952.Bal Natu (1919-2003) was one of Avatar...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 327 pages. Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. This volume covers the period from 1952 - 1953.Bal Natu (1919-2003) was one of Avatar Meher Baba’s...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 200 pages. Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. Volume IV covers the nine months in Dehra Dun in 1953, during which Meher Baba composed the...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 306 pages. Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. Volume V, comes from the incredibly detailed notes Bal took as Baba traveled through Hamirpur and Andhra...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 264 pages. Published 1994. Glimpses is a minutely detailed biography, giving us intimate accounts of daily life with Avatar Meher Baba. Volume VI takes us from March 1954 to April of 1955, including the large gathering...
by Mani S. Irani. Illustrated by Wodin. Paperback, 160 pages. Published 1993. Mani has put down on paper 35 little gems, and what precious drops of His love they are. In her very personal, chatty style she tells us...
Hardcover, 801 pages. Growing Up With God chronicles a unique time spent in the company of Avatar Meher Baba by a precocious young woman who first met Baba when she was less than one year old. Sheela Kalchuri Fenster lived...
by Dr. A.G. Munsiff. Softcover, 120 pages. “When the Avatar takes an incarnation in the human form, he brings upon himself a veil; and this veil has to be removed by some master or masters.‘The veil with which the Avatar...
Stories of the Savak Kotwal's Family Life with Meher Baba. by Najoo Savak Kotwal. Softcover, 392 pages. Published 2006. Najoo was one of a few Baba lovers who spent much of her childhood growing up at Meherabad. Her father Savak...
Hardcover, 766 pages Sufism Reoriented is an American school of spiritual training headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, established by Avatar Meher Baba in 1952. In November of that year He signed The Chartered Guidance from Meher Baba for the Reorientation...
by Bal Natu. Softcover, 88 pages. “Intimate Conversations” is the third in a series of four books in which Bal shares his heart's conversations with God. “The Source of these conversations with the ever-renewing Awakener, the One residing in each...
by Bill Le Page. Softcover, 112 pages.
Compiled by Rose Reed. Hardcover, 83 pages. A great introduction to Meher Baba’s teachings, from the journey of the soul through evolution, spiritual realities, and the Avatar.